Oral Presenter Guideline
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s APBC2022 will be a virtual conference, from 26th to 28th April 2022. The teleconferencing platform will be Zoom. Oral presenters are to upload a 20 minute video for their presentation in the conference. The video can be uploaded via the Google Form below.
Key points:
- Oral presentation video dimensions : 1920 (width) x 1080 (height) pixels
- Oral presentation video file format : MP4 (H.264 codec)
- Video duration : 20 minutes
- Deadline for video upload is 22 April 2022
- There will be a Question & Answer (Q & A) session, live on the Zoom platform during your session
- If for some reason, you are not able to pre-record your oral presentation, please inform us by 22 April 2022 via email (apbc2022@gmail.com).
Presentation slide deck
Pre-recorded oral presentations would require a presentation slide deck, which can be prepared using your software of choice. We highly recommend PowerPoint or Keynote. Please keep in mind that many of the audience will be participating on their laptop PC or smartphones. Please try to make presentation slides easy to read on small screens. The following tips to ensure readability:
- Simple structure
- Table of contents is nice to have
- Single “take-home” message per slide
- Do not use many animations (they may not work smoothly depending on the internet connection quality).
- Avoid too many words in a single slide.
- Text
- Recommended font-size: 18-24 pt
- Avoid using light blue and yellow for text color
- Try to keep sentence short
- Use bullets
- Session slide aspect
- Please create slides using the 16:9 aspect ratio.